If you are a swimmer looking for ways to stay healthy and fit then you have landed on the right page. Getting your hands on a product like a swim conditioner and towel is not enough, there are several things to avoid in your everyday life to ensure you face no trouble.
Here’s all you need to know:
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Unhealthy Foods
Swimmers need to be very careful about the foods they consume as certain foods can have a negative impact on their health and performance. Here are some of the most commonly consumed unhealthy foods to avoid:
Processed meats
Processed meats like hot dogs, sausages, and bacon have been linked to an increased risk of cancer and heart disease. They are also high in sodium, which can cause bloating and dehydration. Since dehydration is common among swimmers, it is best to avoid processed meats.
Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and sugary snacks can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels, leading to energy crashes and poor performance in the pool. Moreover, they can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Hence, it is best that you reduce their intake.
Fried foods
Fried foods like french fries, fried chicken, and doughnuts are high in calories, fat, and sodium. They can lead to weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and stroke. Gaining weight can decrease your performance and impact your score, hence try to stay away from such foods.
High-sodium foods
Foods that are high in sodium can cause bloating, dehydration, and poor performance in the pool. Furthermore, they can increase blood pressure and lead to an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
Overexertion means putting your body beyond its limits. Said to be common among swimmers, the situation can have long-term effects. Moreover, overexertion is not only about swimming too much, it’s also about swimming too often and too strongly.
Here’s why you should not overexert in your everyday life:
Increased risk of injury
Overexertion can lead to muscle strains, tendonitis, and other injuries. These injuries can keep a swimmer out of the pool for weeks or even months, setting back their training and progress. Also Read – 6 Impressive Health Benefits of Playing Tennis
Decreased performance
Overexertion can lead to decreased performance in the pool. When a swimmer is fatigued or injured, they may not be able to swim at their best, which can be frustrating and disappointing.
Overexertion can lead to burnout, which is a state of physical and mental exhaustion. Many swimmers take breaks due to this condition as it can cause people to lose motivation and interest in the sport, leading to decreased performance and a higher risk of quitting.
Negative impact on mental health
Overexertion can have a negative impact on a swimmer’s mental health. The constant pressure to perform and the fear of injury can lead to anxiety, stress, and depression.
You may catch swimmers having fun and enjoying a drink but this isn’t a habit you need to follow every day since alcohol can have negative effects on one’s performance, recovery, and overall health.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it can cause dehydration by increasing urine production. Dehydration can lead to a range of negative outcomes for swimmers, including decreased performance, muscle cramps, and dizziness. Plus, it causes judgment impairment and makes it dangerous to swim. According to experts, it is best to stay away from alcohol for at least 48 hours before swimming.
Cigarettes may not have a direct impact on one’s performance but smoking can be injurious to health and result in problems such as cardiovascular issues and weakened muscles. Plus, smoking is linked to an increased risk of respiratory issues such as bronchitis, asthma, and lung cancer. These conditions can make it difficult for swimmers to breathe properly, which can impact their performance in the water.
Plus, cigarettes contain nicotine, which impacts recovery and is addictive.
Staying Up Late
Staying up late is never a good idea. If you are serious about swimming and having a career as a swimmer then make a routine and stick to it. Staying up late can lead to a lack of sleep, which is essential for athletes to recover and perform at their best. Swimmers need to be well-rested to perform at their highest level.
Not sleeping properly can result in several issues such as poor focus, an increased risk of injuries, and reduced reaction time, which is critical in a sport where split-second decisions can make a big difference. Swimmers who are tired may not be able to react as quickly to the starting gun or other stimuli.
This might come as a surprise but it’s best that you stay away from arguments and negativity, especially if you are serious about your career as a swimmer. This is because having negative thoughts or being around people who argue a lot can impact your mental peace, which can result in mood swings, reduced interest in putting your best foot forward, irritation, lack of sleep, and other such issues.
Distractions are bad because they make you lose focus and distance you from the end goal. As a swimmer, your goal should be to win your next competition and improve every day. However, when you have a distraction, you will lose focus on swimming and concentrate on other things.
Distraction can be anything such as a friend, a task you have to complete, an upcoming trip, or your love life. Anything that makes you miss your swimming sessions or forces you to sleep late, consume unhealthy meals, or take part in unhealthy activities is a distraction. For your swimming career, it is best that you avoid all forms of distraction, especially when you are preparing for a big event.
This is an obvious one – you should avoid injuries in your everyday life. Like any other person, swimmers can sustain injuries during day-to-day tasks such as walking, running, driving, riding, or playing soccer. Some of these injuries, unfortunately, can be long lasting and cause you to sit on the shelf for weeks.
To be on the safe side, take precautions and avoid taking part in dangerous activities. For example, don’t run on slippery surfaces, and don’t drive too fast. Being careful is the way to go.